Early June – Vegetative Growth

As soon as I can determine if a plant is a boy or a girl…

  1. Get rid of the males
  2. Up-Pot the girls into their final or largest potting containers
  3. Begin a high nitrogen fertilizer program

There are several companies that sell a powdered vegetable fertilizer. At this time, early June, we want vegetative growth, not blooms. So we want a high nitrogen, vegetative formula fertilizer. Somewhere on the package label will be the N-P-K ratio numbers. It is important to pay attention to these numbers. Read the label and the directions, then mix up a diluted batch in a 5 gallon container (the slop bucket). Put a big coffee cup full of sugar into this bucket. Stir it up.

(K) Potassium is good for root growth. Use low phosphorus (P). Use a high (N) nitrogen and add a little ammonia or fish emulsion and sugar to the fertilizer bucket.

As soon as you figure out which plants are female, you should put each girl into a big hole in the ground or large container. Mix a cup of fine dolomite into the backfill soil. We do not want our plants to bloom at this time, so no phosphates. We do want our girls to grow into large tall bushes. Pinch off the terminal bud to encourage it to bush out. Use clean, sharp scissors to clip off any leaves that are played out or yellow. When you take these plants out of the dark shed, they will have a sunlight starved lime-green look. This is normal. Only cut off the big outer leaves if they are old or damaged. These big outer leaves take a beating and do not last more than a month or two. Keep checking to make sure your girls are, indeed, girls. Make sure your male plants actually are males before you cut them down and put them into your compost pile. We want our girls to bloom and flower up for 6 weeks in September and October. Right now (and all summer) we want the girls to be in a “vegetative state”; growing wide and tall with lots of branches (limbs and twigs). When you water them into the final (large) growing space…really water them in heavily and add more soil to top off the container. Get out your calendar and establish a fertilizer schedule. More fertilizer isn’t necessarily better for these plants. Like I’ve already said…the most important factor is the seed’s genetics. Then it’s up to the plants’ environment…the soil, amount of  direct sunlight, adequate water.

At least 5 or 6 hours of direct light per day. Ten to 12 hours of sunlight is better.

Use good soil. Make your own compost. The soil probably has plenty of good things in it. You’ll only need to add a little fertilizer, occasionally. No matter how big or small your plants are, they will go into flower-bloom stage pretty much on their own as the days get shorter.  However, I can’t wait until mid or late August to know there sex.

June 21st or so is the longest day of the year. From then on, the (photo period) days get shorter. By late August the plants are old enough to go into bloom. By late August -early September, the length of the days shortens causing these marijuana plants to go into a sexual frenzy; they want to get pollinated. By late August I’ll be using a one-time application of bone meal or super phosphates…this’ll kick the girls into gear. As the plants do go into the “flower stage”, I’ll quit using any nitrogen and instead us a high (P) phosphorus diet. It seems as though (K) potassium is good for root growth, and that is good any time. As for now, any of the commercial tomato fertilizers will work just fine. The high nitrogen percentage helps grow the above-ground vegetation that we want.

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Down here in the flat-lands (Colorado Front Range) our actual growing season is barely long enough. It would be nice if we could safely have all of September and October. Time marches on as the season is changing because these days will soon be getting shorter. A wooden or aluminum structure would be nice to have over the top of your tops.

Up in the foothills and high mountain valleys it would be great to have a way of shielding your plants from the weather as well as the cold night time temperatures. Wether you are in South Park, the Arkansas River Valley or the San Luis Valley, you’ll have to figure out some ways to grow your plants in May, June, July, August, September AND into October. A rudimentary knowledge of solar science will help you to trap heat into your grow space at night.

The indica plants grow at a high elevation in Northern India, Northern Pakistan and Northern Afghanistan. “Ghanys and Kush plants should go through their life cycle in 5 1/2 months, with a little help from you. Sativas generally are grown at almost sea level, in tropic zones. Indicas have been living at 8000ft to 10,000 feet for thousands of years. Don’t fight it.

As you learn about growing marijuana you’ll have to also learn about your local weather and also learn about how to build big cold frames. The more you know…the  more you know that you don’t know enough.

Folks, give me your opinion. Use the reply button to tell me what you know or what you don’t know.

P.S. It’s early June…not too late to get started with your own garden.

I am now watering each plant everyday. Lots of water till it drains out the bottom of the container. Then I backfill some compost-soil to the top of the container. We are seeing a lot of above ground growth, but we’re trying to grow a container full of roots. As soon as these plants disclose their sex to us…up-pot ’em into their final grow environment. Go moderately heavy with nitrogen (N) and potassium (K), use as little (P) phosphorus as possible.

Let me hear from you on how it is going. Is there something that is not going as well as you expected or planed? A persistent problem? Or just that your garden is growing and doing well, I would like to hear what you are running into.