Bullet Box or Ballot Box?

Hey people. What the heck is going on here?? For cryin’ out loud, smoke a big fatty and calm down. Jeesh!

If you want to change things in this society, WRITE a book and layout your IDEAS. Write articles or post a blog or write to your newspaper Op-Ed section. Put your ideas into the court of public opinion. This business of using guns, knives, bombs, etc…is the wrong way to go. You should create an intelligent dialog of IDEAS. That is how you change the direction of “society” long term.

If you are angry…smoke a joint. If you are stressed out…smoke a joint. Don’t lash out at, basically, innocent people.

I thought pot laws would have changed in the 1970’s. I was wrong. But hundreds of thousands of like-minded people, like me, got out there trying to educate the general populace. We got “pot” onto the ballots. Finally we got a vote on the issue. Yes, it has taken 30-40 years longer than,  perhaps it should have…but change happened because we VOTED.
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Voting is a much less dramatic, less violent way to change things. Nobody died or lost their legs, etc. thru this method of doing things. Have some respect for the general public…people you don’t even know… I’m tempted to say that this violence is NOT the hippy way. You chuckle, but all of this violence  IS  NOT the civilized way to do things. Mr. Gandhi would not approve.

If you believe you gotta change “things” in this world…use your brains…write a book to discuss your argument. Open debate is allowed in most countries. You have basically two choices…the bullet box or ballot box. Which do you choose!?

In a democracy, we get to vote. Are you an uncivilized barbarian? Or are you an adult living in a civilized world? It all starts with you and you and you and me. Bullet Box or Ballot Box?